Whose Your Daddy? God or Satan?
1/16/20256 min read

Every single day, we are presented with a choice—a critical decision that shapes not only our lives here on earth but our eternity. Who are you serving? It’s not a question to brush aside lightly. It’s a matter of allegiance, and make no mistake, your thoughts, actions, and words reveal the truth of who or what you are bowing to.
“And if it seems evil to you to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” — Joshua 24:15 (NKJV)
This verse from Joshua calls for a bold declaration: will you serve the eternal King of Kings – King Jesus, or the temporary gods of this world? The time for indecision is over. The time of great separation is here. God is calling His people to rise, to destroy their idols, and to realign their focus.
Where Is Your Focus?
Take a moment to reflect. What consumes your thoughts day and night? Is it financial success, social media, relationships, or career goals? These pursuits, though not inherently sinful, become idols when they replace God as the center of your life.
An idol is anything that takes your devotion away from God.
The world tempts us with glittering distractions. These idols may promise satisfaction, but they ultimately leave us empty and far from God.
Jesus said, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21). If you constantly think about wealth, approval, or personal ambition, that’s your treasure—and it has become your idol. It’s time to repent, destroy these idols, and turn back to God.
Repentance: The First Step Toward Freedom
The Bible is clear: repentance is the gateway to restoration. To repent means to turn away from sin and realign your heart with God. It’s not just about saying “I’m sorry”; it’s about surrendering every part of your life to Him.
1 John 1:9 reminds us: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
This is the beauty of God’s grace. He gives you a choice on who you will serve and He invites you to lay them down and return to His loving arms.
Examples of Modern-Day Idols
To help you identify the idols in your life, consider these common examples:
Success and Career: Are you consumed by climbing the corporate ladder, even at the expense of your time with God and family?
Relationships: Do you prioritize the opinions or affection of others over God’s truth?
Material Possessions: Are you chasing after the latest gadgets, cars, or homes, believing they’ll bring fulfillment?
Entertainment: Are you addicted to ungodly music, celebrities, television shows that dishonor what God stands for, social media, Netflix, or gaming, allowing these to dominate your time and attention?
Even good things can become idols when they replace God as your focus. It’s time to examine your heart and make room for King Jesus to reign supreme. In the end, He is all that matters as we reign alongside Him.
Jesus: Our Rescuer and Guide
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ didn’t just die for our eternal salvation. He rose again to empower us with His resurrection power, equipping us to overcome the idols and strongholds in our lives. Through His blood, we have victory!
“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”
— John 10:10
When you surrender your life to Jesus, He rescues you from the Kingdom of Darkness and transfers you into His glorious Kingdom of Light (Colossians 1:13). His guidance and protection are unmatched. As you fix your eyes on Him, He strengthens your heart, renews your mind, and transforms your priorities.
Child of God or Child of Satan: There Is No In-Between
For 30 years, I unknowingly served Satan, trapped in the deception of the Kingdom of Darkness. The idols in my life—success, relationships, and the constant need for approval—became chains that bound me to a life of emptiness and despair. But then came the moment of divine intervention—a collision with the truth and love of Jesus Christ that shattered every lie I had believed. Transferred into the Kingdom of Light by the power of His blood, I experienced true freedom for the first time. Now, as someone who has walked in both realms, I know firsthand the devastation idols bring and the urgency of crushing them under the authority of King Jesus. My testimony is living proof of God’s power to rescue, redeem, and transform, and I am fiercely committed to helping others break free and fully surrender to the One who reigns forever - King Jesus!
The Bible is crystal clear: you are either a child of God or a child of Satan. There is no neutral ground. Jesus said, “He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad” (Matthew 12:30).
This truth is sobering but necessary to confront. If you are not actively serving and obeying God, then by default, you are serving the world and its ruler, Satan. The time to choose is now. Don’t remain in the middle, deceived by the notion that you can live for both God and the world. God demands and deserves your whole heart, and He offers a life of freedom and joy when you fully commit to Him.
Building His Kingdom, Not Your Own
As followers of Jesus, our mission is clear: to build His Kingdom. This means aligning our lives with His purposes and living as His ambassadors in the world.
“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” — Matthew 6:33
When you prioritize God’s Kingdom, He takes care of your needs. There’s freedom in letting go of the constant striving to build your own empire. Instead, focus on sharing the gospel, serving others, and being a light in a dark world.
The Time of Great Separation Has Begun
The Bible warns us that a day of reckoning is coming—a time when God will separate the wheat from the chaff, the sheep from the goats. In Matthew 25:31-33, Jesus describes this separation, which will reveal who truly belongs to Him.
The question is: will you be found serving God or serving the world (Satan)? There is no middle ground.
Practical Steps to Refocus on God
Daily Devotion: Begin each day in prayer and Bible study. Let God’s Word shape your thoughts and decisions.
Repent and Remove: Identify the idols in your life, confess them to God, and take practical steps to remove their influence.
Serve Others: Shift your focus outward by serving those in need. This reflects God’s heart and strengthens your faith.
Speak Life: Use your words to declare God’s promises and to encourage others in their walk with Christ.
Find your Tribe: Find strong Believers who have a heart to serve God and others. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you.
As For Me and My House…
Like Joshua, we must take a stand: “As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD” (Joshua 24:15). This is not a one-time declaration but a daily commitment. When you choose to serve the Lord, you align yourself with His power, protection, and purpose.
Jesus is calling you to turn away from the fleeting idols of this world and fix your eyes on Him. He is the Good Shepherd who rescues, guides, and protects His flock. The time is now to rise up, destroy your idols, and focus on building His Kingdom.
Are you ready to declare, “I Serve King Jesus?” and take your stand for Christ?
Let’s walk boldly in our identity as children of God, reflecting His glory in a world desperate for His light. The time of great separation has begun. The question remains: Whose Your Daddy?
About the Author
Rosemary Fisher is a speaker, author, and the creator of the transformative discipleship eCourse, Journey2Transformation. With a passion for helping others live victorious lives in Christ, Rosemary equips believers with practical tools and biblical truths to overcome the struggles of the world and walk in their God-given authority. Through books, teachings, and online courses, she has inspired countless individuals to rise up, destroy their idols, and focus on building God’s Kingdom. More information can be found at www.rosemaryfisher.com