About Rosemary
Rosemary is an author, and a sought-after national speaker known for her bold, humorous, and relatable style. She passionately shares how God transformed her mess into a life-changing message, inspiring women everywhere to run to their heavenly Father for restoration and renewal.
Her story of transformation has resonated with audiences across the country, leading to appearances on the CBN 700 Club, The Bridges Show, Freedom Today, and other media platforms. Each opportunity furthers her mission to proclaim the wholeness and freedom available only through the transformational power of Jesus Christ. (click here to watch her story on 700 Club.)
A Gift for Teaching
Rosemary’s calling is to teach the Word of God with simplicity, humor, and truth. By drawing on her own life experiences, she connects with women in a real and personal way, encouraging them to embrace change and step into the abundant life God has for them. Her books, teachings, and workshops aim to produce lasting spiritual fruit that glorifies Jesus.
Her Books
In Recycled Women, Rosemary highlights 27 inspiring true stories of women who overcame life’s most difficult circumstances. These testimonies remind readers that no matter the struggle, God’s power brings ultimate victory. Rosemary believes, through her own experience, that the greater the battle, the more glorious the triumph. Rosemary invites you to discover the freedom, transformation, and abundant joy that only Jesus can bring through these amazing transformation stories. She has also written "The Smokin' Hot Bride of Christ, Exchanging Regrets for Rewards" and will release "Transformed" in 2025".
Her "NEW" On-Demand Video Course
Rosemary created Journey2Transformation because she is passionate about helping women break free and step into the abundant life God has promised. Just like a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, this course is designed to guide you through a journey of breaking free from fear, self-doubt, and old patterns so you can live the beautiful, purpose-filled life you were created for.
God doesn’t want you just to survive—He wants you to thrive, to live a life overflowing with His joy and peace.
Journey2Transformation provides you with practical tools and faith-based strategies to overcome the lies of the enemy, renew your mind with God’s truth, and take real steps toward the fullness of life that Jesus died to give you.
God is calling you to break free and step into His abundant life so we preach Jesus through our transformation. As we become free in Christ, more will follow. Let's build a community together and sign up today.
Rosemary with Margaret, Hospitality Director RWM
Daughter's of the King Conference - First Family
As one of Christ’s ‘chosen’, I’m CONVINCED of a blessed future in a prepared place. Yet in reading the Smokin’ “HOT” Bride, I’m also CONVICTED of some specific preparing that needs to happen on my own part. This fresh new look at the Bride of Christ elicits from us readers both an “Amen” – and an “Oh, me!” I give Rosemary’s ‘bridal manual’ a resounding “E”. Exciting. Edifying. Encouraging. EXPOSING. Enlightening. And…Electrifying!- Mike Dawson, Pastor Emeritus, First Baptist Church, Columbia