Speaking Ministry
Blessing Ceremonies for Special Events and Conferences
Blessing Ceremonies are a vital part of helping young girls and women understand who they are as a Daughter of the Most High God! We would be honored to assist you in making a memorable event that will impact hearts for His Kingdom. Available for Mother/Daughter Events, Youth Events, etc.. Watch the Blessing Ceremony here from the Columbia, Mall in Columbia, TN. Click Here
Bride of Christ, Spiritual Makeover and Transformed Conferences
All Rosemary's conferences are geared towards transformation, learning who we are in Christ Jesus and Expanding God's Kingdom and preparing for His Glorious Return. Invite Rosemary to create a conference just for you and your needs or have Rosemary help you prepare an event with you. For more information fill out the contact form below.
"From the very moment she arrived on the campground, Rosemary displayed compassion and enthusiasm. Her message at our women's retreat was heart-warming as well as humorous at times. Most importantly, Rosemary sought God's direction from the beginning planning stage to the final prayers of the night's event. Her dependence on the Holy Spirit to lead her in ministry makes her an asset to any church gathering."...
Cynthia Savage, CBN / 700 Club Producer
"Rosemary spoke at our women's conference and was a blessing and joy to serve with. She was "transparent" and "real" in her faith, therefore God used her to help women learn how to live a transformed life in Christ. Her enthusiasm and love for God's Word overflowed to those around her. Ladies were not only encouraged, but changed for His glory"...
Sheila Gleaves, Pastor's Wife and Conference Director of Northside Baptist Church
"The best way to describe Rosemary Fisher is "Real", "Genuine" and "See Through". I place "quotations" around these words because they are unique characteristics. Many people who believe in God and may even have a walk/relationship with God cannot fulfill these characteristics. The struggles or battles they have in life are never seen or used by others. To me a child of God will allow others to see every scar, flaw and mistake that has occurred in their life. Rosemary allows God to use her in whatever form He desires. When she shares what God has led, every ear and heart will be listening and even anticipating what His message is to them"....
Lisa Vassar, Pastors Wife of Pleasant Heights Baptist Church
Spiritual Makeover Conference, The First Family Church
Bride of Christ Conference, Pleasant Hts. Baptist Church
Connect with Rosemary Today
Whatever your Speaker Needs are We are Here to Serve You and Your Ministry